Year: <span>2021</span>

Account Registration Issues

Hello everyone. Stringbert here. If you are noticing that you aren’t receiving the email to activate your account, first check your spam folder. If you still have not received anything, please contact us as soon as you can at There appears to be an error that is occurring with certain email services that is preventing the email from going through. We are looking into it and will hopefully get it resolved as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience.

Update: 2/18/2023 – At this time it appears to be a block between our email services and the system that we have on the website that manages emails. We are also being bombarded with hundreds of spam messages and emails each day so it is nearly impossible for the two of us to effectively manage it here. I would highly recommend visiting us at our Discord for more direct access to the developers and our community of players. I can also better help you get setup here from there. Thank you everyone.



We will be launching our new game Stringtropy on Steam on May 11th! If you have any ideas, bugs to report, or any other feedback regarding the game feel free to drop a message here or join our Discord!

We can’t wait to bring it forward with your help and achieve our dream of brining entertainment to the world!